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Praktikantin in Costa Rica

4 Wochen Freiwilligenarbeit im Day Care Center, ein Erfahrungsbericht von Laurie

Gastfamilie in Costa RicaThis 1 month stay with Roxana’s family and the Childrens center, I would say that it was an enriching experience both from a language point of view (as there were small moments where I had to adapt as things sometimes escaped me, not having a fluent Spanish), and from what I could experience a little bit of this other cultural bath.

Sprachkurs in Costa RicaIn relation to the daycare, I was able to take care of the babies in particular because my Spanish was not very fluent, which I understand. This was still interesting for me of course. I am also satisfied to have known some other volunteers (Laurence and Valentine, but also on the last days Yliana coming from Switzerland), with whom I could share moments during the volunteering and outside volunteering during the weekends (tourism).

was warmly welcomed by Roxana in her big family during these weeks and I thank her for it as I thank the whole of Wendy’s nursery. I have for example share with the family some moments of shared meals (where I was to cookink two or three times), games of Uno sometimes with her grandchildrens and Valentine, etc.

I would like to thank Jamso Trainee for organising and putting me in touch with them. I would definitely do a trip like this again if I had to, as a first time solo traveller. Overall, it also gave me my first taste of Latin America, which I really appreciate.



Day Care Erfahrungsbericht Costa Rica

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